
Emerging from Portuguese roots, youngest of two sisters and a brother, Sarah's family
moved into the united states. Sarah was born and raised in Mildford, New jersey. Sarah was
nicknamed Frankie by an old friend because she would say Sarah sounded to boring. Sarah
moved down to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 2013 to pursue a better life for her and her newborn
son Lokii. During her high school years Sarah was well involved in a lot of sports ranging from
volleyball to field hockey. Out of all the sports soccer is the biggest in her family. Benfica is her
favorite soccer team she loves to watch them on tv.
She began to pursue her views in the fashion world with perseverance and hard work,
she is currently making her way up as a professional made in addition she will appearing on
new york’s fashion week this upcoming week. She is an animal lover, she has two dogs as her
loyal companions Rumor and Roxy. They don’t stay behind on her big journey as she is
majoring on vet tech career with the goal of entering the exotic animal field or even better
become a zoologist.
Sarah is proud to be portuguese, knowing that her language is the second romantic
language after the spanish language. Knowing your background is very interesting, I believe
sarah had a simple life. There might have been complications or up and downs, because
everybody goes through things, but knowing and overcoming all the obstacles with trying to
adjust from New Jersey and Pennsylvania is a big step to overcome.

